As a company, we have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all of our business dealings and relationships, and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own business or in any of our supply chains.

We are therefore proud to ensure you that we will constantly aspire to the highest standards of ethical and moral behaviour which include but are not limited to the following Ethical Trading Standards’ in which we believe:

  • Products manufactured and sourced by Babco International Ltd are produced under working conditions that are hygienic and safe.

  • All workers involved in the delivery of goods and services provided by Babco International Ltd are treated with full consideration for their basic human rights.

  • Babco International Ltd will act in an ethical manner above and beyond basic legal requirements.

  • Babco International Ltd is committed to implementing the principles of the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code (although we are not members of the ETI). Babco International Ltd inspects all its major suppliers regularly and asks all its suppliers to affirm in writing that their businesses are also built on these ethical criteria. We have developed a full policy statement outlining how we expect our business to develop to be able to offer strong guarantees to our customers that the products and services they receive from us have been ethically designed, manufactured, and implemented. Our policy statement includes the following requirements:

  1. All employment is freely chosen and there is no bonded, forced or prison labour. Working conditions are safe and hygienic.

  2. Child labour is not used.

  3. Wages are fair and comparable to industry standard and will never be below the minimum wage.

  4. Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure shall not be permitted.

  5. Working hours are not excessive.

  6. No discrimination is practised.

  7. Regular employment is provided for those who are employed on a permanent contract.

  8. No harsh, cruel or degrading treatment or practices are allowed.

  9. No bribery, corruption, blackmailing or bullying is permitted.